Message from The Managing Director
It is a great pleasure to welcome you in Knit Concept Ltd. Since our journey which began in 2006, we have been working with full commitment and endeavor that led us to become established knit garments. Knit concept ltd. manufactures and exports variety of sophisticated knitwear. Worldwide customers have been serving with the knit wear from the company.
The company maintains an uncompromising quality and standards of the products throughout the production step from knitting till the packing. Skill and professional team members monitor and control products quality with high care.
We believe that a responsible company will return to the communities involved in its operation and to the countries economy. Also we are strongly concern about the worker rights and benefits.
The company and I myself strongly wish that Bangladesh will up their position in the world RMG market with our effort in this business.
Md Saidur Rahman
M.D / Knit Concept Ltd.